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A Positive Way of Looking at Market Competition

Apr 7


Entrepreneurs, in general, dislike competition. But is that astounding? Having to contend with competition is not an easy feat for a business owner.

However, what if it is not necessarily a negative outcome? Could it be that competition results in new and improved products and services as a result of challenges brought about by competition? Yes, it is possible to consider the competitive market in a positive light. If so, how? After reading this article to the end, you will understand why having a competitive seller market is beneficial. 

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Here are 8 reasons why market competition can be a good thing 

  • There will be more choice and services available with greater competition

Pricing is only one aspect of competition. A greater diversity of products is achieved in practice, and new services are developed as a result. By focusing on originality or customer service or targeting new customer segments, companies increase the promotion of their products and stand out from their competition.

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Consumers and businesses are able to find the best product by gaining access to a wide range of products and services. When markets for gas and electricity are opened to competition, for instance, consumers can choose from a large number of suppliers and offers the one that best suits their needs.

  • Provides recommendations for improvement

Putting a bright spotlight on one's shortcomings is not a pleasant prospect. However, in order to improve your company and attract more customers, you must be honest about your shortcomings. 

Often, our competition outperforms us due to their superior performance in an area where we are weak. They may have more attractive designs than we do. Maybe they provide better customer services than we do. Perhaps they also conduct more effective marketing campaigns.  

You are responsible for identifying those weaknesses and strengthening them as an entrepreneur, regardless of their nature. Continual improvements will keep your organization on the leading edge of technology.

  • Enhances your understanding of customers.

By analyzing your competitors, you can learn a great deal about the market as a whole, including why consumers prefer certain brands to others. Furthermore, it is important to determine which demographic groups are most likely to buy your products or services.

Knowing your target audience's needs will assist you in not only defining your target market but also in creating value by creating products or services tailored to their needs.

  • Continuous stimulation is part of a competition.

In established businesses, competition serves as an incentive for innovation and productivity improvement. They will remain competitive and efficient that way and may continue to attract customers.

The price is not the only factor consumers consider when there are many products and services to choose from that meet their needs. The quality of the products and services that are offered is also regarded as a determining factor in how a consumer decides. The primary responsibility of companies is to invest in their R&D processes in order to remain competitive and to avoid losing market share to new, more efficient entrants.

The ability to compete through quality depends not only on technological innovation but also on other aspects such as design and brand development. There are also questions of delivery, after-sales service, and commercial innovation at play. Consequently, competition leads to quality improvements.

  • Businesses and consumers alike benefit from competition.

Generally, market openings or the enhancement of competition with the emergence of new players leads to significant price reductions for consumers in most sectors. The opening up of markets is not only advantageous for prices but also for new businesses, which may have more efficient business models. 

In order to succeed in business, you need to take risks and look to the future. Hence, it opens up new opportunities, new formats, and emerging production processes, which will promote growth and eventually lead to the creation of jobs.

The competition also enables unsatisfied demands to be met. New entrants frequently target customers who have never purchased products or services before. The person may have ceased to be a consumer of that product or service when the cost of those products or services exceeded their requirements or budget.

  • Engages you to make your workplace a better place to work

As a business owner, your employees are among the most valuable assets. Almost all the Fortune 500 companies strive hard to attract the best employees. They do this by offering everything from on-site daycare facilities to snack bars to relax areas in order to attract these kinds of talent. All of this is on top of standard benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paternity leave.

If you would like the best talent on your team, you will need to provide them with a reason to work for you instead of your competitors. You can always make small adjustments to your company to make it more attractive to job seekers, regardless of whether your budget is limited.

  • Re-invigoration of existing players

As a result of competition, prices are reduced not only by the entry of new players but by the entire market as well. Incumbents adjust their prices in order to remain competitive in the face of new competition. As a result, the new operator's customers, as well as those of established companies, benefit from lower prices. As a result, all consumers benefit from an increase in purchasing power. 

  • Maintains your interest

We just can't deny that all of us like to complain and moan about the things going wrong in our lives, but just imagine how boring life would be if it was all easy. We would not only feel bored but also be deprived of fulfillment since overcoming obstacles is a necessary part of creating meaning in our lives.

You will never have a dull moment when you have competition! You must constantly anticipate their next move when you're competing with a good rival. Keep in mind as well that you would become complacent if there wasn't any competition, and complacency stunts innovation as well.


As a result of market competition, entrepreneurs are able to flourish in fertile land. If one can take risks, innovate, and create entirely new products and services it has no surprise that when the prices of the products and services go down. In addition, it has no surprise that the quality of the products and services gets better as well. 

If entrants from different nations are challenged by the status quo and paid a reasonable sum for doing so, entire nations will be able to enjoy the fruits of wealth creation.