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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

The sales funnel has been a part of conventional business and marketing for times not known. However lately it seems to me that the subject of using funnels to promote Internet business is appearing all over the internet.

The truth is that people are eager to know more about this marketing strategy and how they can apply it to their online marketing campaigns. Continue reading to learn more about the sales funnel and how it can be used to efficient Internet marketing.

The Sales Funnel: What exactly is it?

A marketing funnel doesn't necessarily mean a funnel. The reason for using the term "funnel" to describe this marketing concept is simply to help visualize and explain a sales process from the beginning to the end. The term"funnel" can be utilized to define the process of selling due to its wider entry path to "Unqualified Prospects", and an opening that is smaller for conversions in the lower part of the funnel.

The "unqualified prospects" Also known as those who aren't competent, will be at the top of the funnel. They might require your product or service but haven't been contacted before. At the end of the funnel, several sales and offers after, you've received people who have purchased the product or service you offer and made a purchase as well.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel is also due to the ability to track the actions of your prospects throughout the expanded sales process. Utilizing the sales funnel to determine the amount of prospects who are qualified at each stage, you can predict the number of potential customers who are likely to become customers.

You can use the sales funnel to identify where and how your sales process is working or failing, and whether you're not attracting enough potential customers. This data will help you determine what your primary goal is and the best way you can keep sales at the right level. It is used to monitor and control the process of selling of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top - Front - End

The most important section of your sales funnel will require the most constant testing and will be the most engaged. Your imagination and resources will only limit the number of front-end strategies that you could develop.

The primary objective is to attract new customers and then convert them into buyers.

When a prospect decides to sign up or purchases the product or service you provide and is "qualified". This is where the potential customer, also known as an "Unqualified Prospect" is now an "qualified lead. They have taken action that shows that they may be interested in the product or service you offer.

To make your front-end effective you must be able to bring targeted traffic to your website blog, website, or squeeze page. Article marketing, PPC ads, social media (Google+ Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), banners and blogging are the most effective ways and tools to accomplish this.

There are a variety of methods to "qualify" an "unqualified prospect. One of the most efficient is the squeeze page. You can provide something of value that is connected to your service or product that they are able to get for free or at a drastically reduced price in exchange of their email. The products included include newsletters, video, eBooks, email courses, and other related reports.

It is clear that the front-end is where customers are drawn to your sales funnel. What happens to the reverse-end of your sales funnel?


The Back-End, or Bottom of The Funnel

The back-end (or bottom) of the sales channel is where the majority of profits and sales take place. It usually contains your higher priced products. These products are generally relevant to the exact same market, but in a different format like video or audio, live interaction, or private consultation.

The primary distinction between the front-end of the service and the back-end is the type or price of the client.

It's the case that only a small percent, maybe 1-2% of the people entering your front-end, will be able to make it into your back-end. This is because a select few people will spend a larger amount of funds.

You see, that although front-end products and services may cost under $100, back-end items and services typically cost in the hundreds or thousands. This implies that the lowest end of the sales channel, also called the back-end, is the most important source of revenue.

Like I said, the sales funnel may be as easy or complex as your imagination or resources permit.

For more details on how I'm preparing my content marketing, visit the article below.

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