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Why Clinical Trials Matter In 2022 and Recent Research Areas

Jun 10


Clinical trials are the only way to test new treatments, and determine whether or not they're safe and effective. While much of the focus has been placed on COVID-19 in recent months, there are a lot of other health concerns that have yet to be addressed by sufficient research and development.


Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer begins, it's called a tumor. Cancer tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are not cancerous and will not spread to other parts of the body, but you may have surgery to remove them if they are affecting your health or appearance. Malignant tumors can invade nearby tissues and may spread to other areas of the body via blood vessels or lymphatic channels.

Cancer cells can also break away from where they started (the primary tumor) and travel through the bloodstream or lymph system to form new tumors somewhere else in the body (metastasis).

Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment

The importance of mental health is often overlooked. It’s a topic that affects everyone, whether you have an illness or not. And while there has been a lot of research into the brain and mental health, there are many areas that need further exploration. Clinical trials play a vital role in providing more insight into treatment options and care for people with mental illnesses.

Current research focuses on several key areas such as:

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Schizophrenia and psychosis

  • Depression and suicide prevention

  • Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)

These studies are important because they help identify what causes certain conditions so that they can be treated properly by doctors now and in the future. As new medications become available through clinical trials, we may soon see improvements in quality of life for those living with these conditions

Pain Management

Pain management is not a new area of research, but it is an area that has seen a lot of progress.

The World Health Organization estimates that around 5% of the world’s population suffers from chronic pain. This means that around 1 billion people suffer from this condition and it affects people of all ages, genders and ethnicities. Therefore, pain management is a big area of research because it affects so many people and can benefit from new treatments.

Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it's expected to take more lives than Alzheimer's by 2030. This means that improving treatment options for heart conditions is more important than ever. Clinical trials are a big part of that process—they allow researchers to test new medications and procedures on people who have similar conditions in order to see if they work, or if they're safe. These studies can also help doctors identify other ways of treating cardiovascular problems, like lifestyle changes that may not be as effective with drugs alone.

In fact, one such trial has already shown promising results: A recent study from Harvard Medical School found that eating blueberries every day could lower your risk of developing certain types of heart disease by up to 41%.

Women's Health

Women's health is a critical area of research. There are many diseases that have a different impact on men and women. For example, lung cancer is more common among men than women; however, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women. In addition, women often experience different symptoms than men when they have the same disease. For example, when someone has an allergic reaction to peanuts or bee stings, it’s usually a female who gets hives around her mouth and nose rather than swelling at the site of the sting or bite—a phenomenon known as “oral allergy syndrome."

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) encourages researchers to focus on gender differences in their studies because they can lead to new discoveries about how diseases affect both genders differently and how treatments work differently for them too

Recent research areas that have benefited from clinical trials.

Clinical trials have been instrumental in the development of a number of life-saving drugs, treatments and therapies. Some of these include psilocybin clinical trials and medical marijuana. Psilocybin is a psychedelic drug that can help with PTSD, depression and other mental health conditions. Medical marijuana is used to treat chronic pain conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.

Other research areas have benefited from clinical trials in recent years as well:

  • CBD/Cannabidiol

  • CBD oil for anxiety

  • CBD Oil for pain relief

  • CBD Oil for sleep

Psilocybin Clinical Trials

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic drug that has been used for thousands of years. It’s found in psilocybin mushrooms, which have been used for centuries by indigenous cultures around the world.

The compound is also found in some plants and plant-based extracts, including the seeds of morning glory species (such as Ipomoea tricolor), as well as Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (Argyreia nervosa). The effects are similar to those produced by LSD or mescaline, but with fewer side effects such as anxiety or paranoia.

Psilocybin is currently being studied to treat a number of conditions. You can see an entire list of psilocybin clincal trials on the Power website.


Clinical trials are an important resource for our society, especially in the medical field. They provide us with new treatments and therapies that can improve our quality of life. They have been a key part of many breakthroughs in the past few years such as the development of the COVID-19 vaccine and new cancer treatments. Hopefully this article shed some light on why clinical trials matter so much to all of us!