All About Bullock Express

What to Expect and How to Prepare for a Tree Removal Service

Oct 19

The world has more than three billion trees. This is approximately 400 trees per person, woman, child, on the planet.

Trees are beautiful. If you have a tree in your backyard that is getting too large, it may be time to have it removed.

What happens when a tree is removed? What is the process? What is left? What can you do to remove it?

Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect when hiring a tree removal company.

What to Expect

There are many factors that will affect the expectations of tree removal services.

How the tree is removed will depend on its size. It is also important to consider the location of your tree. It will be easier to remove a tree that is far away from buildings than one that is near a house or power line.

However, tree removals generally follow the same processes.

How much will it cost?

The cost to remove a tree depends on its size and difficulty.

A rough estimate is that you will pay anywhere from a few hundred dollars to remove a small tree to over a thousand dollars to remove a large tree. Additional charges will apply if the stump is to be removed or ground so it does not protrude.

To get an estimate of your case, it is worth speaking with the tree removal company.

What will it entail?

Two main methods are available for tree removal.

If there is enough space around the tree, it can be cut down in one piece. The trunk is then cut in the direction it will fall. After the tree has fallen to ground, it can be cut into smaller pieces.

This method may not be safe or practical if the tree is too close to power lines or buildings. These cases would see the tree being climbed and the branches removed from the top. These will be secured with ropes if necessary to ensure they don't fall onto power lines or buildings.

What will be left?

A typical tree removal would involve removing the tree to a stump.

The branches could be either cut into smaller pieces to use as firewood, or removed according to the client's request. You have two options: have the stump removed completely or have it ground to remove it.

Because it requires more work than just leaving the stump there, stump removal is usually an additional cost.

How to Prepare

There are several things you should do before you have a tree taken down.

These steps are not too difficult but will make it easier for tree removal services. Preparing your property ahead of time will allow you to have your tree removed quickly and safely.

Give Space to the Vehicles

Tree removal will often require a lot more equipment.

Make sure there's enough room for tree removal services to park their vehicles. They will likely need access to a large truck and a wood chipper. The closer they are to your property, it is better.

It might be worthwhile to reserve parking spots in advance, rather than relying on luck.

Clear Access to the Tree

Workers will have to travel back and forth between their vehicles and the tree.

You should make sure they have a clear way to travel back and forth. It's not a good idea for them to try and squeeze through cars that are parked in the driveway while they haul wood or other equipment.

This can make it much easier to have an alternative route to your yard. It is possible that you will need to notify your neighbors.

Take Anything Broken

It is likely that there will be many branches taken from the tree.

If you have any broken items, such as furniture or plant pots, please move them out of the way. You may be charged additional fees if your tree service must move the items.

It is important to ensure that your yard does not contain any animals during the construction process, as they can pose a safety risk to workers and themselves.

Agree on what you need

It is important to have a meeting with your tree service in order to inspect the site and agree on what you need.

You must agree in advance if you wish to have the stump taken out. It may not be possible for you to have the stump removed in one visit if you decide that you want it done after the work is completed. You may end up paying more if you have already agreed to it.

Discuss all options with your team so everyone understands the scope of the work involved.

Are you looking for a professional tree removal service?

You've come to the right place if you are looking for professional tree removal services.

We offer a variety of tree services including tree trimming and pruning, as well as tree transplantation and disposal. Our tree trimming staff has more than 20 years of experience. We only use insured and bonded tree cutters. You can rest assured that your property and you are safe with us.

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more about our services or schedule a consultation.

Contact Us Today To Get Started On Your Project.


Tree Trimming Pros St Lucie

Port St. Lucie, FL

(772) 268 9770