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BeHosted Review

Jun 13

Behosted Review

Behosted: An Ethical Fiasco and the Importance of Transparent Business Practices

Behosted, a web hosting company based in Zurich, Switzerland, has proven to be a prime example of unethical business practices. In addition to recounting my personal nightmarish experience with this provider, this review aims to emphasize the significance of ethical conduct in business and the proper procedures for informing clients of an impending closure. By sharing my story, I hope to highlight the need for transparency and customer-oriented practices in the web hosting industry.

A Disheartening Experience:

Since 2021, I had entrusted Behosted with multiple accounts, including a re-seller platform and a separate server, and initially, their services seemed satisfactory. However, in June 2023, my main site abruptly went offline, and that's when the trouble began.

Lack of Transparency and Communication:

After reaching out to their support team, I was informed that the server was experiencing issues and would be replaced within an estimated six hours. However, 12 hours passed, and my site remained inaccessible. To compound matters, Be Hosted ceased responding to my service requests, leaving me feeling helpless and frustrated.

Loss of Trust:

Realizing the precarious situation, I immediately began seeking alternative hosting providers. While my re-seller plan still functioned, Be Hosted's lack of reliability shattered my trust in their services. As predicted, a couple of days later, all my hosted sites, including the reseller plan, suddenly went offline, accompanied by a vague notice about undergoing maintenance and an eerie silence in response to any inquiries.

Theft of Funds and Lack of Ethical Conduct:

What exacerbated my disappointment was that I had already paid upfront for all the hosting services. Instead of fulfilling their obligations or providing advance notice of the imminent closure, Be Hosted essentially pocketed our money. Ethical businesses, on the other hand, would have promptly communicated the situation, enabling clients to make alternate arrangements before shutting down. Note that while I refer to this as closure, they are still open and doing business. It appears they shut down some servers but are still selling to new customers. 

Proper Procedures for Business Closure:

In an industry built on trust and reliability, it is crucial for web hosting providers to adhere to proper procedures when closing their operations. Ethical conduct demands that businesses prioritize their clients' interests and communicate clearly about any impending closures. This includes notifying clients well in advance, offering guidance and assistance in transferring their websites to alternative providers, and ensuring that any pre-paid fees are promptly refunded.

The Importance of Ethical Business Practices:

BeHosted's actions serve as a stark reminder of the importance of ethical conduct in business. Companies must prioritize their customers' welfare, maintain transparency, and fulfilling their obligations to foster trust and long-term relationships. Ethical practices involve clear and open communication, honoring financial commitments, and taking responsibility for any issues that arise.

Acccording to Facebook, they use several business names: I can't verify this but it is listed under Page transparency.

Changed name to Behosted
4 November 2020
Changed name to ReliableHost
21 April 2020
Created – BananaHost
10 July 2019

In conclusion, the cautionary tale of BeHosted underscores the significance of ethical behavior in the web hosting industry. The lack of transparency, communication breakdowns, and unethical conduct experienced with this provider highlight the need for industry-wide reforms. Choosing a web hosting company that values ethical conduct and demonstrates transparent business practices is paramount to safeguarding your online presence. Seek out providers that prioritize customer satisfaction, adhere to proper closure procedures, and operate with integrity. By doing so, you can avoid the distress and potential financial loss associated with unethical companies like BeHosted.



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