All About Bullock Express

Announcing Social Prospect Pro

Jun 27

Announcing Social Prospect Pro



hello my friend coming to you with some more tips tools and techniques that you can use to build your business now if you are in the internet marketing game look into.
grow your business or your affiliate marketer network marketer or even a course creator this is the place for you now today i'm going to talk to you about an awesome tool that i use on a daily basis multiple times daily.
to organically build my reach and the git leads every day .organically.
now one of the main things you have to do on to do organic reefs for one you have to set up optimize your profile of course you know we know that you've got to optimize your profile you can add a remove people.
okay that's another one and you need to continue to message people and connect with new people the right people those are the main ,things you have to .do.
you can take that conversation eventually offline so what i use on a daily basis is this tool here that you are seeing is called social prospector probe.
the links ,in ,the ,description guys.
right there in the comments social prospector pro allows me to maximize my facebook profile and to get traffic leads and .sales.
on a daily basis let me let you look at the tool real quick and show you some of the things that we can do so with this tool.
you can ,actually ,go ,in .and.
remove people or look at the people who have engaged with .your.
profile in the last up to three hundred sixty five days because what you don't want is dead weight the program facebook's algorithm was gonna kill you if you have too many people that are .not.
engage you want engaging people so you want to be able to see who is engaging and be able to remove those ,inactive ,people too easy .right.
next post friend you can go to post and actually friend people who have made an awesome post so if somebody had an awesome post and a lot of people like that post they have hundreds or thousands of comments.
and these are active facebook people you want active people on your friend's list you can go through and friend those people same principle here's member friend or any groups that you're in that ,are ,really ,targeted groups.
that are within your niece you can go to that group and now start finding people and friendly people in that group how easy ,is ,that ,to ,find .your.
and get them on your friend's list that's one of the things i use for this tool.
well also.
i get a lot of new friend requests and also i like to be able to send out messages to my friends and not have to sit down on my phone all day doing it so what this tool allows me to .do.
is send out pre written messages to multiple people at the same time once again i don't know if you like me i'm pretty busy i'm more dealing with my grandkid i'm a fishing i'm a barbecue .in.
well i'm not really having a nine to five job but i'm still pretty busy okay so if you got a nine to five job i know you're busy so what you can do is just activate this click it it will run by ,itself ,as ,you're leaving .the.
out the door send all the messages to people that you want to get to them i even have some prearranged messages that i have in here you see i have a connect message when i first connect with people.
i have a free lead see all these things i have a friday message in here where i tell em it's finished on friday guys this is too easy to use is too simple it just sits right there and you can use .it.
to to automatically send out messages to people and if you have a new something that's popping up and you really want to get that out to information to people right now there you go add that message in there send it out to your friends ,you ,even ,have ,a timeline.
where you can send it to people over the last twenty four hours seven days two weeks one month three months just imagine those people who have been on your facebook friends list for three months or more and you've never talked to them.
now you can okay here's another thing that i love to use the group invited if you invite me i have multiple facebook groups and now you can find your friends and invite them to your group.
and also you can invite them to your facebook page and here's my most used tool in here as the post lover every day you got to warm up the owl gorilla so when i wake up in the morning the first thing i .do.
it's come right here and activate this tool that ,will ,go ,through .and.
heart post it will love all of the posts that are on my timeline and that is awesome in getting people to start engaging with your post so i ,do it .first.
make my posts and then i do it again and then i do it at least probably once an hour throughout the day guys there's so many other tools in here so you come in or to group remover incoming friend request and remove ,you can .change.
there's so much stuff you can do in here it's amazing guys but as i said if you're gonna go organic this is a tool that you still have to have because otherwise you're gonna be sitting at your computer two to four hours a day now ,i ,know ,about .you.
but when i was working on the fact i didn't have that i was tired when i got back home i just wanted to eat take a shower or go to sleep and sometimes i went even that order but if you want ,to ,build your facebook.
a organic reach and the stark's growing is making cells and scaling organically social prospector pro links in the comments links ,right ,in the description.
did it guys take a look at it it will make a difference in your business and it will change your business now if you decide to partner with me and actually get going in social prospective.
so here's what i also offer as a bonus to working with me.
i will put you in my free facebook group where you will be able now to communicate with other people.
swap ideas other marketers other business people to where you will be able to see what they're doing ask questions of them and me and get your stuff going guys nothing better than being around like minded people.
also we have a weekly coaching call where you can ask your questions you can get help and do some training also we also do training during those weekly coaching calls one on one call with me so i can make sure get you going in the right direction ,where ,you ,want ,to go.
in that group we have thousands of dollars of courses and training guides courses that i paid for coaches that are courses that i've created they're all in there also i'm going to make sure you have the million dollar funnel it's the same funnel.
that people like russell bronson um larry steve larsen and some of these other guys use to make millions of dollars to get on them to come up clubs the same thing but you're gonna get it by working with us.
you'll get hundreds of lead magnets courses ebooks documents pdfs that you can use to now put into your funnel and draw those people to you plus.
every business needs traffic so if you're paying for solar ads right now any type of advertising i've got a connection that will allow you not to get dollar clicks ninety ,dollars ninety cents eighty cents.
so cheap clicks that it's going to be scary to you but it's going to be .effective.
and decide to partner up with us click the link in the description there and we'll get going guys once again another tip from the boss i hope you have an awesome day and let's build your business.

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Tags:#SocialProspectPro, MarketingAutomationSoftware, #FreeTraffic, #FreeLeads, #FreeSales, #FacebookSoftware, #RemoveinactiveFacebookFriends