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How to Redirect a website in Brisbane, QLD

Oct 14

Redirects can seem strange when a website is brand new. It is easy to create a new website with only a few pages.

Websites grow over time. You will have more URLs as you add pages to your site and create more categories. It is possible that you will realize later in the game, that your URLs may be more complicated than what you would like.

A website audit could reveal pages that aren’t performing well and should be removed. What do you do with those URLs?

Nearly all website owners will need to create a redirect at one point or another.


What is a website redirect?

Website redirects point to your old URL to a different page. Anybody who types in or clicks the original URL will be taken to the page where the redirect was set up. This ensures that visitors don't land on a 404 page and instead find the relevant page to their original search. It also prevents you from losing any links to that page, which is crucial for search engine optimization (SEO) and the user experience of anyone who clicks on one of those links.

Anyone who runs a website should know how to set up redirects. Redirects can be implemented page-by-page or at the domain level.

There are three types of URL redirects

Although there are three types of redirects you should be aware of, most website owners will only need the first.

1. 1.

A 301 redirect refers to a permanent redirect. This type of redirect can be done at both the browser and server levels. This is the most popular and powerful type of redirect. It transmits all of the SEO authority from the URL. This type of redirect is recognized by search engines and indexes, making it the best option for SEO.

This is the type you will want to use in almost all cases.

2. 302 Redirect

Temporary redirects such as a 302 redirect are temporary. This should not be used if you intend to return to the original URL in the future. For example, if you are redesigning your website and want to redirect users to another domain while you work. You can also A/B-test two versions of a page before you commit to a new one.

302 redirects don't get used that often. You might consider a 301 redirect instead if you are considering using a 302 redirect.

3. Meta Refresh

Ever landed on a page only to be greeted by a message saying, "The original URL has changed, you are now being redirected." If you are not being redirected within 5 seconds, click here. You've now experienced a meta refresh.

Meta refreshes are a redirect that tells the browser to visit the new page without updating the server. You can specify the time it will take for the redirection to the new page to happen when you set up a meta refresh. Search engines may interpret a meta update in the same manner as a 301 redirect. This is especially true if the time allotted to the refresh is either zero or one second. It's not always consistent in how search engines interpret a meta refresh. They also create a poor user experience by making visitors wait for the page they want.

A 301 redirect is likely to work better in cases where you are considering a meta refresh.

How to set up a redirect

Many website owners have many options for setting up a redirect. These are three options that you might consider.

1. 1.Set up a redirect in cPanel

Sign in to your cPanel Account and scroll down to Domains Section. Click on the Redirect icon.

You can choose between Temporary (302) or Permanent (301) from the dropdown menu. Choose your choice.

Select the domain for which you want to set up the redirect in the next dropdown menu. If you wish the update to be applied to all domains that you own, you can select All Public Domains. Otherwise, choose the correct one from the dropdown.

Simply fill in the URL of the page that you wish to create a redirect for and the URL to which it should be sent. You will only need to enter the last part of your URL in the first box. The root domain name can be found in the dropdown menu. In the second box, enter the URL that you wish it to redirect to. 

2. 2.Set up a redirect in Gator

You can use the Gator Website Builder to edit the site you wish to create a redirect for.

Select Manage from the menu to the left, and then Redirects from the menu that opens.

Click on the Add Rule button. In the box to the left, enter the URL of the page that you wish to redirect. Choose the type of redirect from the dropdown menu.

You can then choose which type of redirect you have selected. Or you can simply enter the URL that you wish it to go to.

Next, select OK.

3. 3.

A plugin is the best way to create a redirection in WordPress. Redirection is a popular choice.

If you are new to adding WordPress plugins, click Plugins on the menu at the top of the screen. Then click Add New and then search for the plugin that you are looking for.

Click Install Now and then activate. Each plugin has its own instructions. You can find Redirection in your installed plugins list. Click on Settings to open the settings instructions.

Once you have it set up, Redirection will be listed under Tools. Next, click on Redirects at the top of your screen and enter the information for the URL that you wish to redirect and the URL to which you want it point.