What You Need to Know About Building Brand Identity
As with product and service branding, the scope of a company branding is typically far broader than either product or service branding since the target audience for the brand is much larger. For example, an auto parts manufacturer may be able to capitalize on a certain type of aftermarket accessory, such as an "L.E.D." glow-in-the-dark key chain, but if that manufacturer did not also have a consistently strong brand identity that consumers could reliably recognize and associate with that manufacturer and the product it manufactured, then chances are that those accessories would never sell, and that brand name would become completely tarnished in the eyes of potential customers.
Branding is based on many different factors, including the purpose behind the creation of the logo, the product or service the tagline represents, and the manner in which the brand will appear to others. One of the most important aspects of successful brand building is the reason behind the brand. Companies that use their tagline as a means of propagating their business and identifying themselves need to have a solid reason for doing so.
One important factor in establishing branding is the identification of one or more core values, which help consumers perceive the brand in a positive light. For example, a car dealership may place an ad that begins, "Welcome to Honda Car!" In order to make their message clear, this dealership will need to include a series of key qualities or characteristics that relate to the Honda line. Common key qualities related to automobiles include reliability, fuel efficiency, styling, performance, and value for money.
In addition to defining the core values of the company, a marketing firm should also look to establish a consistent message over time. This long-term brand building example is relatively simple to implement. When planning to update the company's twitter account, for example, a company can choose to post a short quote once each day, along with a brief description of the tweet. A more recent marketing strategy that may be utilized is to post a quote, along with a link, from each blog post or tweet.
The next step in the branding building process is to build an effective email list. List building allows a company to effectively reach target audiences without spending valuable marketing resources. In order to build an effective email list, the firm must identify a market niche, which can be based on a specific product line or industry domain. Next, a marketing firm can start to send out promotional emails regarding the products, services, and company information to this targeted list of people. Some of the best techniques to implement when creating an email list are providing useful information, offering free gifts, and enticing incentives for people to opt-in to the company's database.
The final step in the branding building process is to update the website, through social media, on a regular basis. The goal of updating the site regularly is to ensure that loyal customers will find it difficult to ignore the business's presence.