The core basics of search engine optimization have not changed for many years now and can be split in to three parts.
However, the strategies around these core skills have changed and do so, as consumers search for new products and in different ways. Here is some information based on what Mark Flanighan would say in today’s world of SEO strategy.
With advent of Google’s “mobile first” commitment how we process an audit has changed. Take webpage speed for example. We measure how fast the mobile version loads not the desktop. It doesn’t matter how fast your website is if the mobile version is slow due to java scripts and over coding. In the past SEO’s didn’t need to be that technical, but now how a page loads, really does affect Google rankings.
Of course, being mobile friendly is also critical. Just because a website will present it self well in a mobile browser does not mean it will pass the Google test.
Any text that is too small, or links too close together will get highlighted and possibly again lose rankings.
So, having a strategy for load speed before a website is even conceived, or one to change an existing platform is again an important part of any strategy. WordPress is both a saviour and a villain in both mobile and speed concerns, or more accurately the WordPress template we produce or buy. So many templates save design time, but then increase set up time and often require a move to a CDN, to get the speed up to something more acceptable. Sometimes the benefits do not outweigh the downside. Oxygen design software can help, but is difficult to learn compare to Elemetor.
Each year Google turns up the volume on content and learns how to recognise quality over waffle. This means content writers are in demand like never before as many SEO strategists or webmasters, just don’t have the writing skills. To complicate the matter, our visitors are more complex in the search terms they use, so long tail is more the norm for SEO rather than those short money-making terms.
There are some days that Google has had up to 20% of its search terms it has never seen before. So for content writing strategies, understanding customers’ needs and how they are likely to search is key to a successful content strategy.
When it comes to backlinks, most would agree you cannot rank certain search terms without a good backlink profile. These profiles have changed over the years, it is more about quality and less about quantity. Even though Page Rank allegedly still used within Googles algorithm, it tends to be 3rd party metrics most SEO companies would use to determine a quality link or not. Metrics such as DA (Domain authority) and DR (domain Ranking). Each “SEOer” would choose which metric is right for them.
But getting good quality links is much harder than it was, often with some sort of remuneration involved if you are no an established brand. Backlink strategies are out there to be learned such as the Tower, or broken link strategy. But in the real world it really comes down to who you know, through outreach for business contacts that will get you a good backlink. Otherwise, it is a payment process, such as sponsorship or outright advertising.
You can’t ignore those who have had success without doing any link work, though huge levels of great written content. Google would like to think this is how we all can get links, but in the real world the amount of content to be written versus the number of backlinks received makes this strategy only for the totally committed.
But as we move on, competition gets harder and harder. But the good news is, if you stick at it, there are still some rewards.